What ?
There is increasing pressure on large organisations to ensure that their suppliers are ethically aware on issues such as anti-corruption, labour, environmental and human rights practices.
EASI, which stands for “Ethically Aware Supplier Induction”, is an online short course in business ethics, presented by The Ethics Institute. It is an interactive programme with animated video content, case-studies, practical scenarios and exercises.
The EASI programme:
- Serves as a comprehensive training programme for raising awareness on ethical business practices;
- Provides an opportunity for SMEs to be accredited as ‘Ethically Aware’; and
- Offers large organisations the opportunity to train their suppliers on ethical business practices.
Who ?
The programme is especially designed for executive managers of SMEs who need to make sense of increasing ethics demands on their businesses – and what to do about it.
The idea is that large companies, in the interests of good governance, will use the EASI programme to train SMEs in their supply chains. The trained SMEs will be accredited as being “Ethically Aware”, and this accreditation will be accepted by a number of supporting large organisations.
EASI in Kenya
TEI is proud to launch the EASI programme in Kenya in partnership with the Global Compact Network Kenya. We are piloting the programme and have limited number of seats available free of charge.
There will be two pilot rounds:
- The first pilot round will be for representatives of medium and large enterprises who are considering rolling the programme out to their supply chains and want to see if it suits their needs.
- A second pilot round will be launched for companies who participated in the first round. This will be for a small selection of their SME suppliers to be trained as a trial run.
Duration: 2 to 3 hours (including assessment)
Mode: Online training
First pilot round
When: The first pilot is planned for June 2020. Participants can complete it in their own time, even in multiple sessions, but the training should be completed within two weeks from when access is given.
Who: Relevant managers (e.g. supply chain managers, ethics officers, and risk managers) from larger companies are invited to attend the programme to experience it for themselves.
To register: E-mail kris@tei.org.za; celia@tei.org.za; and judy.njino@globalcompactkenya.org, or complete the separate registration form.
Training Outline
The interactive training programme uses practical animated scenarios to help participants to reflect on the ethical issues relevant to their businesses and to give them tools for promoting ethics in their organisations. The training is focused on the executive management team of SMEs. It is practical and comprehensive, but kept brief in acknowledging SME managers’ time constraints. It should take participants between two and three hours to complete, and can be done in multiple sessions. It deals with the following topics: